Athletes Rights and Responsibilities

Athletes can only respect their sport and protect their legacy by competing clean. To achieve that there are few important rights and responsibilities to follow and put in mind listed below:

Athletes are responsible to:

  • know and abide by the Anti-Doping Rules, policies, and practices.
  • be available for testingat all times.
  • take responsibility for what you ingest or use.
  • Inform medical professionals that they should not use prohibited substances or methods, as per the WADA Prohibited List, and that any advice or treatment given to an athlete should not violate the Anti-Doping Rules.
  • Inform BNADO and your International Federationif you have committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation within the last 10 years.
  • Co-operate in any doping investigations when asked to do so.
  • disclose the identity of your support personnel upon request from an Anti-Doping Organization.

Athlete’s Anti-Doping Rights Act:

The Athletes’ Anti-Doping Rights Act promotes athlete rights within Anti-Doping and ensures they are clearly outlined, accessible, and universally applicable. This act includes:

  • Equality of opportunity.
  • Equitable and fair testing programs.
  • Medical treatment and protection of health rights.
  • Right to justice.
  • Right to accountability.
  • Whistleblower rights.
  • Right to education.
  • Right to data protection.
  • Rights to compensation.
  • Protected persons rights.
  • Rights during a sample collection session.
  • Right to B sample analysis.
  • Other rights and freedoms are not affected.
  • Application and standing.
  • Right to an Anti-Doping system free from corruption.
  • Right to participate in governance and decision-making.
  • Right to legal aid.