
Coaches have always been the biggest influence on athletes as they spend long hours together. They help their athletes make the right choices and encourage them to compete clean and win. therefore there are roles and responsibilities that has been highlighted By WADA in the Code listed below:

WADA Roles & Responsibilities Codes

  • Understand and comply with anti-doping policies.
  • Become knowledgeable about major anti-doping topics, including the WADA Prohibited List , the sample collection process, and Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs).
  • Cooperate with athlete testing programs.
  • Act as an athlete representative during the sample collection process.
  • Help athletes file their Whereabouts accurately and on time.
  • Encourage athletes to complete the sample collection process in a timely and cooperative manner.
  • Report potential anti-doping violations to the appropriate governing body, NADO, or WADA.
  • Use your influence on athlete’s values and behavior to foster anti-doping attitudes.
  • As a role model, you have the ability to get athletes excited about anti-doping and playing their part in the fight for clean sport.
  • To build a culture of clean sport, coaches need to emphasize that competing clean is more important than winning at all costs.