Athlete’s Rights & Responsibilities During Testing

Athlete’s Rights 

  • Having a representative present throughout the doping control process
  • Having a language interpreter present, if available
  • Completing a training session or other activities while the Doping Control Officer (DCO) or chaperone observes
  • Having the testing procedures explained, including how the sample collection equipment works.
  • Requesting to view the DCO’s credentials.
  • Having a choice of collection vessels and sample collection kits
  • Receiving a copy of all forms used to document the processing of your sample.
  • Providing written feedback on USADA’s Athlete Evaluation Form and/or Supplementary Report Form
  • Requesting a delay in reporting to the doping control station for valid reasons
  • Requesting modifications if you have a disability.

Athlete’s Responsibilities

  • Complying with the sample collection procedure**
  • Reporting immediately to the doping control station unless there are valid reasons for delay (in-competition testing)
  • Bringing a photo ID to the doping control station
  • Staying in direct observation of the doping control officer (DCO) or chaperone from the time of notification until the sample collection session is complete.
  • Keeping the collection vessel and sample in their possession and in view of the DCO at all times
  • Having control of the sample until it is sealed in collection bottles (the DCO may assist the athlete)
  • Ensuring the sample code number is correctly documented on the doping control official record
  • Ensuring all appropriate paperwork is accurate, complete, and signed.