Principles and values associated with clean sport

Why is Clean Sport important?

Every one of us has a responsibility to protect clean sport. Whenever we watch sport, it should be truly ensured that it’s the real. Cheating in any form undercuts the spirit of sport and the efforts of clean athletes. Every top athlete will have experienced moments when they are vulnerable and not performing their best. How athletes deal with these moments can have a significant effect on their future sporting careers.

As an athlete, athlete support personnel or sports administrator, you have Anti-Doping responsibilities that you need to be aware of and must follow accordingly.

Bahrain National Anti-Doping Organization is responsible for protecting clean sport in Bahrain, and we are governed by a worldwide agreed set of rules, protected globally by commitments from both governments and the sports movement.

Anti-doping programs seek to maintain the integrity of sport in terms of respect for rules, other competitors, fair competition, a level playing field, and the value of clean sport to the world. The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, body, and mind. It is the essence of Olympism and is reflected in the values we find in and through sport, including:

  • Health
  • Ethics, fair play, and honesty
  • Athletes’ rights as set forth in the Code
  • Excellence in performance
  • Character and Education
  • Fun and joy 
  • Teamwork                        
  • Dedication and commitment
  • Respect for rules and laws 
  • Respect for self and other Participants 
  • Courage
  • Community and solidarity