Report Doping

Help us in preserving the integrity of sport and the clean athlete. Every time someone steps forward with information on doping, we move closer to a clean and fair playing field for all. We are aware that disclosing private information is a significant choice that you would not make easily. We acknowledge the bravery and commitment needed to voice concerns regarding cheating. We are honored that you have decided to trust us, and we take this extremely seriously. You can safely report any action that you believe violates Anti-Doping regulations by using this website. Everything you tell us is kept completely confidential.

What Can Be Reported?

You may report any Anti-Doping Rule Violation or any act or omission that could undermine the fight against doping. If you have detected, identified, witnessed, or know of, or have reasonable grounds for suspecting that a violation has occurred, we encourage you to let us know by filling out the form on the next page. If you have information on bribery, corruption or any other allegation that does not involve doping, please report your information through the Competent law enforcement authorities.


BNADO assures that the information provided will be treated in accordance with the applicable privacy regulations and can be accessed only by authorized members of BANDO Anti-Doping Team and the International Testing Agency. BNADO shall not share any information provided through this page and shall not identify the Sender to Third Parties without prior consent.

How To Contact Us

• By completing the online submission form below
• By sending an email to